Hey there boozefans, another exciting week here at Southern Spirits. How do we have so many? Careful planning and then just also a lot of luck. We are excited about our second Southern Star and Panthers barrel release. The last one went very well and we sold out quite quickly.

Always excited about a Woodford release no matter how many I do. Why? Because they are all different and delicious. Just a little left of "McCall's Call 2" and less than two cases of "Off to the Races". Please welcome "A whole lotta Rosie" if you have not heard the song, do yourself a favor and go to youtube right now! If the intro doesn't get you, you might be dead inside.

More new Scotches, A special Oban, another helping of the Lagavulin 12, AND the barrel aged version of the Hampden 8 Mark series. Something that many of use have been waiting for since it was first announced, and probably the coolest thing in the store, if you love funky rum, like me.

Thank you to everyone that turned out for Saturday's Mystery lottery, it was a packed house and almost everyone walked away with a Penelope Estate bottle which hopefully we will get more of at some point. As always it was a beautiful display of social coordination and we appreciate you a great deal. Thanks for making the whole thing work!


come try the Weller 12 Year! this is an extremely rare and allocated item that we will have available for a free sampling this Saturday 2- 4 PM!

Join us for a special SOUTHERN DISTILLING tasting and bottle signing event with Pete Barger and

Armanti Edwards.

Limited quantities of the Carolina Panthers limited release single barrel will be available for purchase.

The event celebrates the Carolina Panthers 30th Anniversary and features Paragon Cask Strength Wheated single barrel finished in a cognac barrel.

We will be tasting the Panther's bottle along with Double Shot, High Rye Bourbon and the Double Rye


This is the newest Panthers Release of Southern Distilling featuring their Award winning Paragon Cask Strength Wheated Bourbon finished in Cognac cask, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Carolina Panthers!! $106.99



This past week we made IN-STORE some changes, and now since its allocation season expect to see more allocated product on this table for purchase, currently there is cases of Bookers, Angel Envy Triple Oak, Smoke Wagon Halloween Bottle, and Cream of Kentucky on this table available for everyday purchase!


I love AC/DC and I love Woodford Reserve so when Katelyn and I built this floral gem the title popped right into my head. There is no reason floral notes should be built around Classical music, so I turned up the volume. A great song and a great pick. Not daffodils or dandelions but a very specific Rose flavor. Subtle but consistent. This is another demonstration of why the Woodford program is my favorite because of the enormous variety of flavors that you can discover. Katelyn and I were in total agreement on this being the one and I hope you enjoy it! 61.99

BLUE NOTE SINGLE BARREL"BANANA CREAM": Well, Tyler's pick has already sold out, and Keagen's pick is near the end as well, so now it is time for Wages pick! These cask strength single barrels are high quality and a great deal. We are in the process of picking more, but those won't arrive until next year. 53.99

PENELOPE TOASTED "CREAMY FIG NEWTON" This is our newest store pick of Penelope Toasted and we named it Creamy Fig Newton, so you can know what to expect! But the sad part is we only have about 5 cases of this pick, so if you're still reading this, definitely get in the car, this likely wont last the day!

OBAN 10YR: Another one off release from the folks at Diageo, it is really what they do best.

HAMPDEN 8 MARK: A few lucky people were cool and smart enough to buy the unaged version last year, well here comes the barrel aged version and I'm personally chomping at the bit because I love this distillery and this concept. What better way to explore a distillery that to have the components on their own! 182.99

REVIVALIST GARDEN GIN: Always on the lookout for new gins, and this one grabbed my attention, I bought and am very happy with it. In a Gin and Tonic it is like drinking a fresh garden, and last night it was lovely in a Negroni. An excellent addition to our set. 43.99

TAPATIO!: Welcome back mi amiga! I was very sad when Tapatio left the state because it is a great tequila. It seemed like it was never going to return so when the cases rolled in Friday morning it was exciting to put them on the shelf. I had to buy a Blanco to get back into the groove and it was just as tasty as I remembered if not more. We got the blanco, the repo, the anejo, and the still strength. If you know what is missing from that list, trust me, we do too, and hopefully that will come back some day as well. 45.99-67.99

BUNNAHABAIN 14 YR FEIS RUBY: I was actually expecting this Scotch a few weeks ago but was happy to see it roll in this morning. It was finished in Ruby Port casks and that is one of my favorite finishes. My instincts tell me this is going to be a brilliant whisky. 185.99

2XO Sneakerhead Blend: This is the newest limited release of Dixon Deadman, this sneakerhead blend is another delicious double oaked release coming from the 2XO brand! $106.99 LIMITED QUANTITIES


Friday 10/3/24

4-6 PM

Hosted by Janis

with O'Neil Distillers

We are so excited about this one! One of our favorite Cabernet Sauvignon, it boasts a fresh, juicy, firm profile with a dense core of dark fruit and dusty florals. It has aromas of spiced cherry, plum skin, and fresh blackberry. This one is definitely going to go fast, so come take advantage while supplies last.

WOODFORD RESERVE "McCalls Call Two": Sadly this beauty is almost empty at home and here at the store. A person had this bottle in his hand yesterday then set it down and walked off. So sad for him but hooray for whoever gets the bottle he passed on. $59.99

WILDERNESS TRAIL "CUT THROUGH THE NOISE": It was time to put this excellent barrel back in my rotation. The small bottle sometimes gets it lost behind the taller bottles out there and I found it. It is a big and bold bourbon with a wonderful nose and a big and full mouthfeel! Super proud of this pick and happy to get it back into my glass. 69.99


Oh if twenty year old Keith could see me now! Yes we gained a hundred pounds but we picked up some wisdom too man! I was so proud to be a cynic. When people would call me that I would wear it as a badge of honor. I have seen through the tricks and am living in "the real world". Enjoy your shadows and illusions I will live in truth! I would tell people aloud that "I do not believe a single thing I hear." Right to their face. What a jerk! I built my walls thick and tall and guarded them with great ferocity. I was taught the tools of how to dissect things and find "flaws, holes, errors etc." and I devoted myself to this practice. I could poop on any party and rob joy from children and adults alike. I was a man on a mission trying to drag anyone near me into my joyless world. It never occurred to me that people might be telling the truth and actually enjoying their lives. I certainly was it and so my assumption was that either they were lying to themselves in a convincing fashion, faking it until they "made it", or just hoping to get away with the lies they lived upon.

Yesterday I saw "Spirited_Tracie" (on instagram) and she was wearing a shirt that said "Sourcing is not stealing" and that is true. It is VERY expensive to build and operate a distillery so it makes a great deal of sense to buy quality juice and figure out what to do with it. MGP is HUGE! They are making an epic amount of booze, plenty for folks to come along and do their own thing with. You can be cynical and demand that all of your booze come only from the people that make it and that is the only way it could be good. But if you follow that to its logical conclusion, does that mean that they also need to grow their own wheat, rye, and barley? Do you need to grow all of your own food as well? How far does the purity test go before some exceptions are made? Are there companies out there that weave absurd back stories to help create their brand rather than just saying, "we hired someone with great knowledge and taste to build a mash bill from MGP or Bardstown Bourbon Company to make a whiskey that we love." The folks over at Smooth Ambler have always been very transparent about their combining their own juice and sourced juice and I wish that more people would follow that model. At the end of the day I judge quality based on what is the bottle, but you do get bonus points for integrity.

You can be skeptical about things, in fact, I would encourage it. But if Cynicism is driving the car like it was for me, my guess is that you're not enjoying your life all that much. I can get mad that Basil Hayden costs that amount and is only eighty proof and I can't taste the rye, but people love it! If they are their house having a great time with Basil Hayden that doesn't make them saps, suckers, fools, infidels etc. In fact, they are winning, because the goal was to find a bottle they enjoy and that is what they did! My experience has given me the ability to detect flavors that may not have been intended but it does not give me special powers to decide what is the best and what is the worst. I do not care for very young whiskey because those "green" notes are off putting to me. Someone might love those, the greener the better! If I hear them and think they are lying, they are wrong, they are deluded, they are insane, that is all on me. If you are asking a question and have no interest in the answer, then you are really just wasting everyone's time.

There are certainly more than enough dishonest people in the world, but are we going to let them determine how we live our lives? Being a non stop cynic will help you avoid a scam or two or even three, but at what cost? I whole heartedly reject the concept of a cruel and mean world. Right now, there are beautiful strangers helping people in Western North Carolina and having the biggest impact on someone's life who they had never met before. They didn't have to do that, they didn't interview each person they helped to make sure they agreed that Die Hard is in fact a Christmas movie and who they voted for etc, they just helped them. You can pull out a microscope and reduce things down to black and white anytime you like. It just isn't going to be very effective. Whatever rule you created, or more likely inherited came from a guess or a reaction at some point. You say "I lke Cabernet" because someone told you that Cab was the best and then you tried a bunch of them and sure enough you fell in love with a lot of them. You only tried three Merlots, and they didn't match up to your favorite Cab so you dismissed them, and not based on a random thought but evidence! You are not just ruling out Sushi because it is "weird" you ruled it out because someone once handed you a piece and you didn't care for it. As a matter of fact, you didn't really care for the person that handed you the piece either. And one time you watched a Japanese movie, and it was not "as good as people said it was"!

If I get burned by trusting someone, giving the benefit of the doubt, hoping that tomorrow is going to be a better day, that is alright. It is not "on me" if someone abuses my friendship or trust. That is on them. You can have a small circle if you have been burned so much and so often that you need to crawl again for a while. If you are waving the white flag though on people and letting your armor fuse into your being that has a very limited return on investment. The happiest folks I ever encounter are the ones that are floating from interaction to interaction hoping that the odds continue to be in their favor. There isn't much chance of me turning into one of those but my attempts to have more confidence and trust in my fellow man has been rewarding. The times I have been able to shut off that cynical voice and move forward to an actual experience has enriched my life. The times I withdrew into my fortress of purity and truth have not helped me at all. The tests, the rules, the punishing people with my mind, the grudges, the wars, the revenge it all amounted to nothing but trouble. My cynicism really only produced hurt feelings missed opportunities and the pooping on sooooo many parties! Whereas, my lifting of others, my empowering of people, my taking risks has resulted in powerful and fantastic benefits. I can't go back in time and change anything.

It is always an uphill climb when you encounter a person devoted to cynicism. You have to spend a lot of energy just trying to communicate anything to them. That is what I was making people do with me, with an unbelievable amount of energy. Just as excited as I get about Booze, I was equally excited and motivated to smash, disprove, defeat, crush anyone excited about anything! For what reason? The avenger of truth? The flashlight of reality! Motivated by truth, fairness, and justice, I didn't care who you are, or what horse you rode in on! Oh, are you the President of the World? Well, I didn't vote for you, and you probably don't even know that Blanc De Noir is made from Pinot Noir grapes! Oh Albert Einstein? Sure, you might have discovered modern physics but don't tell me that Citizen Kane is a better movie than The Big Lebowski! I would have bragged to you about it as well. Not embarrassed that I was fighting with one of the smartest people that ever lived, but proud that I was arguing with him. Keith Haze can't be bought and paid for, and he doesn't kiss rings or butts! Well, I was wrong. I could have kept my integrity in silence, and I could have let so many more people have their fun. Being a cynic was my full-time job and my payment was aggravating everyone. Now when Hendricks re-releases there Midsommer Solstice despite saying that it was a one off and that this also will be the last time I could be a cynic and mock them or I could be like, how cool is that all of these people that loved that gin are going to get another chance to buy it. I think that is a much better way to live.


