Hey there boozefans, I'm not feeling very well, so I will not be around this week. Nothing serious, I was meant to be on vacation but my sinuses had other plans! I will be back on Monday. In the meantime you can fill your carts with Tito's, Captain Morgan, and Macallan! Just kidding you already do that. Ryker feels strongly that it should stop raining and I agree with him. Before you buy Andy Dalton jerseys it was just the Raiders, but it does NOT bode well for little Bryce Young. At least your head coach didn't run the option on 4th and Goal from the one. It is okay my fellow Bears fans, just one more year of this clown, two tops. I'm rooting for Justin Fields over in Pittsburgh, I hope they win the Super Bowl.

Sitting on my couch I'm picturing the store and all of the shelves full of exciting items. Right when you walk in you are greeted by a bunch of fabulous store picks. What is a store pick? It is a single barrel of whiskey or tequila that was hand selected by our staff. Which means you can only find it here and that when it is gone it is gone. On Monday someone wanted another bottle of "Just Peachy" but not only is she sold out, I do not have another pick that is even close to that taste. Personally, I think that makes the picks even more fun. I know that folks still by them accidentally not realizing they are unique and special but as long as they enjoy them that's okay. Then there are folks that think that Jefferson put Caramel and Apple inside that barrel and that is not okay. We just like to pick titles that attempt to reflect the taste or nature of the whiskey we have selected.  

If you turn right you hit our marvelous Scotch section which is full of both famous distilleries and hidden gems, plus so many wonderful independent bottlings. If you turn left you will go right into your lovely wine department which is full of fun bottles that you don't find at Publix. Just before the wine department is our Tequila/Mezcal section which has grown as big as it can be with a constant need for rearranging anytime a new toy lands! Whichever way you turn there are so many fun and tasty bottles just waiting to be explored. Curated is a word that gets tossed around more than ever before but I have tried very hard and am still trying to make an inventory that is exciting and alive! You can buy the staples and then grab a random bottle now and again or strap a helmet on and dive into taste adventures. All are welcome.


10% Off all wine!!

Make sure to shop with us this Saturday and enjoy a 10% discount on all wine products!!

Including our Wine Cellar selection!!

With Brands like Opus One, Silver Oak,

Tiganello, Sassacia, Schrader


It's back in stock but not for long as we imagine these will be gone by the end of the day so make sure to come crab some of this always in demand Crown Royal flavor! $28.99

HIGH END ARDBEGS: Sometimes I choose not to bring in some higher end Scotch because it is pricey and eats up my budget. When you have a HUGE variety like we do, I have to be smart about what to order. Some stores just buy their giant case stacks and are done. Well the folks at Southern Glazer made it easy this week with a mix and match bottle buy, so I snagged a bunch of higher Ardbeg releases because I trust Dr. Bill to make exciting and fun whisky!

BLUE NOTE UNCUT SINGLE BARREL: The last one flew out of here, so its time for another. This time our selection is called "Apple Jacks" named after the oh-so delicious breakfast cereal, and it is exactly as advertised as you can expect notes of red apple, baking spices and brown sugar! $52.99

RARE CHARACTER MAPLE CASK- This is the SC State Pick of Rare Character featuring 7 year Rye whiskey finished in Maple casks, and with Rare Character being one of the hottest brands across the US right now we made sure to bring in some of this barrel! you can really taste the maple finish but still very balanced with the rye! $133.99

OLD GRANDAD 114: Everyone should have a bottle of this in their bar, we believe this so heavily we made sure to build a nice case stack in store of this delicious high proof bourbon, coming in at 114 proof, this is everything you could want from a high rye bourbon with a nice heat but still balanced flavors! $31.99

REDWOOD EMPIRE "VAN DUZEN": This is the newest release from Redwood Empire and we know weve had a lot of customers ask about it so we have it on the tasting table! $82.99


CORAZON Tequila Tasting

with Special Guest

Charlotte Mixologist of the year, Amanda Britton!!


Join us this Saturday from 2- 5 PM, as we are tasting our Corazon Tequila barrels, featuring finishes in Blanton's, Weller, Eagle Rare & E H taylor barrels! Along with a signature cocktail!


Additionally we are honored to have one of the best and most talented bartenders/mixologists in Charlotte, Amanda Britton of Lincoln Street and The Green Room with us during this tasting! We look forward to seeing you!



Friday 9/27/24

4-6 PM


Hosted by Mark Luna w/

Kellogg Selection

WOODFORD RESERVE "McCalls Call Two": This beautiful bourbon has been very hard to put down. It is so tasty plus its very existence has great meaning for me. I don't think I can accurately explain the thrill and joy it gives me to know that one of the best in the business Elizabeth McCall did this for us! We already sold 11 cases last week so don't sleep on this beauty. Brown sugar and baking spices, it is great neat but I made a Manhattan with it and was blown away!!! $59.99

KILKERRAN HEAVILY PEATED #10: I have enjoyed every release from these guys but this one has really been hitting the spot! Normally I wait until Winter for the peaty stuff but this is so tasty it has stayed in rotation. $100.99

POLI GRAN BASSANO ROSSO VERMOUTH: I can't just keep buying Cocchi and Foro, so I revisited this winner and was thrilled. It has some bitterness there already so you can ramp up your negroni and add an extra element to your Manhattan. $26.99


LAS CALIFORNIAS GIN: I like everything I make with this bottle of gin.

$35.99 ea

TRANSCONTINENTAL HIGH SEAS CARIBBEAN BLEND: This little gem has been a great addition to the store and to my house. My little funky friend is priced very well and has been making some top shelf Cuba Libre's! I bet it can do more than that, but right now that's what I've been craving. $29.99


I was listening to Jeff Bridges talk about his near death experience with Covid and about he was in greater danger because he was just accepting his fate, and his wife, daughter, and Doctor told him he needed to fight! In life it can be quite the challenge to pick your spots. If you want to fight everyone and everything all of the time you are going to be exhausted and alone. If you are a human doormat you will be exhausted and alone. Are the forces pulling at you going to help or harm you? When I put the lid back on my whiskey bottle I do so with a tinge of regret. The future is so far away and one more pour probably isn't the line of demarcation. But now I'm also staying up later, making myself a snack, watching something lame that is sapping my IQ. Instead I can go to bed, be better rested, and that whiskey will be there for me to enjoy at a better time. When you are young, staying up and seeing what's going to happen can be a lot of fun, even though the largest percentage of time nothing does or it is something you did not want to happen.

Of course, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow is no way to live your life either. The perfect time, whatever that even is, is so rare. So rare in fact, that you probably didn't even notice when it arrived. The next day you slap your forehead and realized that you missed it! When I got in my car and drove to my friends for our training sessions with all kinds of wines, beers, and spirits I had a strong sense of the temporary nature of these meetings. This group of kindred spirits with enough free time to gather and taste delicious bottles together and break them down was a true celebration of the present. It has been a very long time since we all went our separate ways but i still remember those gatherings with great fondness. These were simple gatherings that involved each person bringing a fun bottle of something and then us cooking a simple meal. Some time during the evening with my face hurting from laughter I would announce what we all knew to be true "we know something that other people don't". We rode that wave and enjoyed it for what it was. 

I arrived in Japan, both excited and nervous. I didn't know anyone, had no sense of direction, spoke zero Japanese, I just knew that I needed a change so very badly. I had decided on the long plane ride that I was going to say yes a lot more and explore everything I could. My first two roommates had no interest in leaving the apartment and I could not understand them at all. They would watch American tv shows downloaded on their computer and eat prepared food from the grocery store every night. At a certain point I stopped inviting them on my adventures and just went out on my own. After a month I made some friends with fellow teachers and started to really explore Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe. The best part of the whole experience was being old enough to know what a brilliant opportunity this was and young enough to have the energy to ride the wave. There have been many forks in the road that I wonder about, but that is not one of them. If I had not thrown caution to the wind and gotten out of dodge I was going to drown. And if I had not been rewarded by that big swing, then I would not have attempted the next one and moved out here.

The alarm goes off, you open your eyes and you might already be cursing about the thing you are dreading about the day. Even though it is almost never as bad as you think it is going to be, it is like this big weight just sitting on your back and taunting you. You want to enjoy your coffee but you can feel that weight and the inveitably of whatever the thing is. Of course after you make it through you might enjoy a reprieve or you might just switch the fear to the next thing you are anxious about. Anxiety always has the exact amount of energy you give it, so you can keep that party going as long as you have the strength to battle yourself. These last few years I have taken the approach of, not only am I powerless to stop it from happening, I'm actually equipped to handle it. Whatever is going to go down, I'm pretty ready for it. The best prep I can actually do is to get some sleep and eat well. If i'm rested and have eaten well, there just isn't much that can stop me. Obstacles can be navigated, disappointments can be mitigated, hopes can find new cracks, and i can ride the wave right through.

The anger is going to flash. The sadness is going to come. People are going to be disappointing. I'm going to let myself and others down. I know this. On the way home from getting ginger ale and mucinex a car shot across the road and almost plowed right into me. My strongest feeling at that moment was, "can I just please get home in one piece? I already feel like crap." Following them home and yelling at them really isn't going to help me at all and probably not them either. A smart person said yesterday that we have to be careful not to demonize people. I think these are wise words but difficult to practice. That driver could have hit me and others and for no good reason. What was the big hurry that they had to turn left right that second without checking? However, it is very unlikely that they are the worst person on earth and spend their days ruining peoples lives. Someone is happy to see them and they do kind things for people. I don't think flat earthers are funny and I do think facts and truth matters. I just think if you are going to get enraged about people saying expresso then your life probably isn't super wonderful. When I was a kid the big fuss was about ain't. Now look at it sitting there without a redline for spellcheck under it!

I don't get mad that I can't get a sufficient supply of allocated bourbons for the store. I don't yell at my sales reps or the distilleries. What is allocated today isn't what was allocated when I started and it will change again. I'm always the most interested in what's next and what can be done now. The point of any look how good we had it story must be what magic is happening right now. I used to dream about writing something like this and now I'm doing it. It was much simpler than this, I just wanted a way to communicate about the bottles i was excited about and that were new. They would not let me even hang one page of that on the door at Bevmo. They took it down and threatened me. I put it on paper and on a rack on the tasting bar and they took that too. So yesterday's disappointment is now today's joy. I was once young and thin, but felt too skinny. Now I'm older and too heavy. I could have enjoyed who I was then, but i didn't know how to do that. Now I know how to make today as grand as I can, even though I have a lot less life to go. If I become bitter about that, then I'm ruining the time I have left. Much more appealing to enjoy this, whatever this is, and seek more of that and less of that, and some of this, that, and the other.

I didn't know what i was doing, what I was supposed to be doing, and was so angry about everything. I fought the waves. I walked the opposite way just to do it. I crowned myself truly unique and honest. A grown up Holden Caufield having temper tantrums about how phony and wrong everything was. I only got little glimpses of what it could be like when some kind soul would disarm me with their generosity of spirit. I could unclench my jaw, put my dukes down, and just enjoy the moment. The next day be bitter about how my WHOLE life should be like that and not this! How can you make change if you don't know what you are trying to do? People would ask me if anything ever made me happy ever and they meant that. I had no answer for them because all of my energy was being devoted to things that didn't actually matter to me. I was walking home from my regular bar in California fighting the wind. Throwing punches in the air and yelling out at the night. "What is wrong with me?!" I demanded. "Am I so bad? Am I so terrible? Don't I have good qualities? Must everything be so difficult for me?" It was a three mile walk and I always used it to sober up. The next day I woke up and I thought about all of the wars and battles I was waging and decided to wave the white flag at all of them. Once I realized that it was late in the game for that and people expected me to start up again at any moment I knew I had to once again shake things up. I had no idea what would happen once I got here, I just knew that I needed a new place to try to ride the wave instead of fighting it.

None of that happened over night and the process continues today. I just know that I like what I've done, who I am, and where I'm going a lot better now. All of it is a lot easier and what I probably love the most is that when a friend is excited about something they know I will match their enthusiasm. That was always the person I wanted to be and now that's the wave I'm riding.